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New drone software to spot terrorists with ease

‘As of mid-May, the whole world will be speaking about this new software,’ says Turkish interior minister.

New drone software to spot terrorists with ease

Turkish drones have new software that can find terrorists with pinpoint accuracy, Turkey’s interior minister said on Sunday.


“With our new software developed for drones, they [terrorists] won’t even be able to walk in the mountains. As of mid-May, the whole world will be speaking about this new software,” Süleyman Soylu told a meeting with representatives of NGOs, local officials, and chamber heads in the capital Ankara. Stressing that membership in the terror group PKK is an all-time low, he added: “In past, thousands would join the group. In 2017 and 2018, a total of 294 people joined the PKK. The number of people who surrendered during the same period was 800.”

New drone software to spot terrorists with ease

He underlined that 350 of the 800 terrorists laid down their arms after government officials reached out to their families and convinced to them to renounce terrorism.

Soylu went on to say that 42 terrorists surrendered in the first two months of 2019, including 27 who were persuaded by authorities.

In addition, he said that among thousands of PKK members who surrendered over the course of recent years, only five had rejoined the terror group.

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