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Iranian doctors receive heart valve replacement training in Turkey

Training lasts 3 days, including theoretical, practical content, at hospital in Adana province in southern Turkey …

Iranian doctors receive heart valve replacement training in Turkey

ADANA, Turkey 

A group of Iranian doctors received training in heart valve replacement surgery at a hospital in southern Turkey.

In a statement, the City Training and Research Hospital in the province of Adana said that eight well-known cardiology specialists working in public, university, and private hospitals in Iran, as well as two health institution managers from the country, received training on heart valve replacement by entering through the groin.

The Iranian doctors watched four cases live during the training, which lasted for three days and had both theoretical and practical content.

In the statement, Ibrahim Halil Kurt, head of the hospital’s cardiology department, said the doctors whom they met in Iran, where they had gone for conferences, had come to Adana on their own request.

“There are very knowledgeable and experienced doctors in Iran. But, the country’s technological opportunities are weak. So, they wanted to receive training from us in order to see our heart valve replacement practices by entering through the groin and the technologies we use. We shared our knowledge and experience with them for three days. We also offered (them) the opportunity to watch four cases live.”

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