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< class="title"> Gülenist Terror Organization (FETÖ) loses financial support
finance branch of the Gülenist Terror Organization (FETÖ which has tried attacking the Turkish economy, has suffered by losing its supporters. While schools and dorms of the organization are being closed down one by one, support for the organization within the business world is now also faltering. After raids on...
< class="title"> 200 trips for US congressmen secretly arranged by Gülenists, USA TODAY investigation reveals
Gülen Movement-linked groups reportedly funded 200 secretly covered trips for members of the U.S. Congress in 2008, since an investigation done by USA TODAY revealed that many of certifying documents for those trips were apparently false.
< class="title"> Gülenists target Jewish lawyer in anti-Semitic messages
Robert Amsterdam, whose law firm Amsterdam & Partners, was recently hired by the Republic of Turkey to provide legal assistance in the global investigation into the activities of the U.S.-based Gülen Movement is facing anti-Semitic attacks by agents of the movement on social media, who underscore his Jewish identity in...
< class="title"> Gülenists face white-collar crime charges in United States (video)
With an inquiry into defrauding state funds and abuse of visa applications, the FBI has turned up the heat on schools linked to the controversial Gülen Movement of retired Pennsylvania-based preacher Fethullah Gülen, a prime suspect in terror investigations in Turkey.
< class="title"> Turkey takes Gülen Movement’s illegal activities to international platform in US (video)
The international law firm of Amsterdam & Partners LLP held a press conference on Monday at the National Press Club in Washington to announce their engagement on behalf of the Republic of Turkey to assist in the global investigation into the activities of the U.S.-based Gülen Movement.
< class="title"> Turks to fight Austria’s controversial Islam bill in court
The Turkish community in Austria plans to launch a lawsuit for the abolition of a new Islam bill by the Austrian parliament that dictates its own version of Islam by ignoring the demand of Muslims, apparently to fight radicalism, according to Austrian officials
< class="title"> Dutch Anti-Islam politician Wilders publishes Prophet Muhammad cartoons
Dutch MP Geert Wilders uploads controversial cartoons on YouTube after his party showed them on public television.
< class="title"> 2 thousand people protest PEGIDA in Germany
Citizens pour out in Frankfurt after 200 PEGIDA members march in city and chant against Islam and migrants.
< class="title"> First Turkish-made car to appear in August
PM Davutoglu says first domestically-produced prototype to be finished in August, and first batch to come in 2016.
< class="title"> FM: ‘No global determination to fight against terrorism’
Turkey's Foreign Minister highlighted the need for a determined strategy to fight against terrorism around the world.
< class="title"> Сергей ​Лавров: силовики попытку силового решения
Есть информация, что украинские силовики готовят очередную попытку силового решения конфликта в Донбассе, заявил сегодня глава МИД РФ Сергей Лавров во время совместной пресс-конференции с латвийским коллегой Эдгарсом Ринкевичем.
< class="title"> Terrorist Gülen: “Explode yourselves like a bomb against the US” (video)
It has been discovered that Fethullah Gülen, the leader of the Gülen Movement who claims to base his movement on dialogue and tolerance amongst different religions, has previously made radical remarks encouraging Muslims to destroy "infidels."
< class="title"> Gülenist’s dilemma: pro at home, con abroad (video)
While the Gülen movement continues to carry a smear campaign against the Turkish government, a Turkish academic İhsan Yılmaz, known for being linked with the Gülen movement, contradicted himself as he rolled out a set of accusations against the government in recent weeks.