Adana Adıyaman Afyon Ağrı Aksaray Amasya Ankara Antalya Ardahan Artvin Aydın Balıkesir Bartın Batman Bayburt Bilecik Bingöl Bitlis Bolu Burdur Bursa Çanakkale Çankırı Çorum Denizli Diyarbakır Düzce Edirne Elazığ Erzincan Erzurum Eskişehir Gaziantep Giresun Gümüşhane Hakkari Hatay Iğdır Isparta İstanbul İzmir K.Maraş Karabük Karaman Kars Kastamonu Kayseri Kırıkkale Kırklareli Kırşehir Kilis Kocaeli Konya Kütahya Malatya Manisa Mardin Mersin Muğla Muş Nevşehir Niğde Ordu Osmaniye Rize Sakarya Samsun Siirt Sinop Sivas Şanlıurfa Şırnak Tekirdağ Tokat Trabzon Tunceli Uşak Van Yalova Yozgat Zonguldak


< class="title"> “Las actuaciones agresivas contra Ucrania tendrán costes masivos para Rusia”
"Pero, lo más importante, convoco a Rusia para que baje la tensión, opte por el canal de la diplomacia y cumpla sus compromisos internacionales”, afirmó von der Leyen ...
< class="title"> Decretan tres días de duelo nacional en Haití por la muerte de 75 personas en la explosión cisterna
Provocó un desastre la explosión del camión cisterna ayer por la mañana en la ciudad de Cap-Haitien, Haití ...
< class="title"> Il rappresentante speciale dell’ONU a Cipro ospita un ricevimento
Stewart, che è stato nominato per sostituire Elizabeth Spehar, ha ospitato un ricevimento al Ledra Palace Hotel, che si trova nella zona cuscinetto... ...
< class="title"> Haïti : l’explosion d’un camion-citerne fait plusieurs dizaines de morts
« C’est horrible ce qui s’est passé. Nous avons perdu tellement de vies » ...
< class="title"> Armenia nominerà un rappresentante speciale in Turchia
Il portavoce del Ministero degli Esteri armeno, Vaan Unanyan, ha annunciato che l'amministrazione di Yerevan nominerà un rappresentante speciale per normalizzare le relazioni con la Turchia... ...
< class="title"> UE, aperti altri 4 capitoli con Serbia
La decisione e’ stata annunciata al termine della conferenza di accesso tra la Serbia e l'Ue a Bruxelles. ...
< class="title"> La minoranza turca reagisce al ministro degli Esteri Nikos Dendias
Il Partito dell'Amicizia, dell'Uguaglianza e della Pace, la voce della minoranza turca in Grecia, ha reagito all'incontro del ministro degli Esteri greco Nikos Dendias con il mufti nominato e non con il mufti eletto... ...
< class="title"> Turkish scientists to visit foreign bases in Antarctica
Turkish team visits 9 foreign research bases, including Spain, Britain and Russia.
< class="title"> EU-Turkey meeting to be held in Brussels
Association Council meeting between top Turkish diplomat and EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini due on March 15.
< class="title"> We will bring Canal Istanbul project into being, says Erdoğan
Addressing to citizens in Istanbul's Eyüpsultan province, President Erdoğan repeated that he will start the Canal Istanbul process.
< class="title"> Turkey posts highest February exports figure
Exports-to-imports coverage ratio rises significantly, 'most important indicator of 2019', says Turkish trade minister.
< class="title"> New drone software to spot terrorists with ease
'As of mid-May, the whole world will be speaking about this new software,' says Turkish interior minister.
< class="title"> Turkey aims to promote young entrepreneurs
Turkey has youth who can launch successful enterprises in future, youth and sports minister says.
< class="title"> Kamerlid Selçuk Öztürk van DENK doet aangifte van bedreiging
Den Haag – Selçuk Öztürk doet aangifte tegen de personen die hem ernstig hebben bedreigd. Deze bedreigingen ontving Öztürk nadat hij door PVV-Kamerlid Machiel De Graaf openlijk werd bedreigd. Tijdens het debat over bijstandsfraude riep De Graaf richting Selçuk Öztürk: "Ik zal je najagen, dan ben je van mij". Daarom...
< class="title"> Four soldiers killed in helicopter crash in Istanbul
Four soldiers killed when a military helicopter crashed in a residential neighborhood on the Asian side of Istanbul on Monday, the governor said.
< class="title"> Afghan president willing to offer ceasefire to Taliban
Ghani urges Taliban to enter peace talks with the government, offers to release prisoners.
< class="title"> Russia proposes draft UN resolution on Venezuela
Russian military assistance not requested by Caracas, says Russian diplomat.
< class="title"> Turkish forces take part in Pakistan-hosted naval drill
Organized by Pakistan’s navy, AMAN-2019 kicked off last week in Karachi.